Western Artist, Austin Deuel, (American, B 1939-)," Wai Taica", Watercolor on Paper, #912

$ 1,470.00

Western Artist,

Austin Deuel, American, B 1939, "Wai Taica" Watercolor on Paper

912. Description: Austin Deuel (American, b. 1939) Watercolor on Paper, "Wai Taica",signed lower right

Dimensions:Sight 7.5 x 15.5 in.

Condition: Excellent for its age.

Biography of Austin Deuel from the Archives of askART

The following information is courtesy of the artist:

1939 Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1959 Joined the Marine Corps
1965 Became a full-time working fine artist
1967 Rejoined the marines, assigned to their combat art program in the Republic of Vietnam
1971 Moved to Scottsdale, Arizona

Publications (magazines):
Pioneer West, March 1974; Western Horsemen, May 1985; Southwest Art, December 1977, January 1980, April, 1992; Artist of the Rockies, Spring 1985; Wildlife Art, August 1979

Books Published (Author):
Canon De Los Artistas (1982) Subject: Baja; Even God is Against Us (1986) Subject: Vietnam; Swan Lake, Nature's Amazing Grace (2006) Subject: Alaska

Books mentioned in:
Lehrman, Lewis. Being An Artist; Chenoweth, Col. H. Avery (USMCR) Act of War; Murphy, Edward F. The Hill Fights
U.S. Airforce Combat Art Collection. Andrews Airforce Base, Washington, D.C.
Monument Commissions:
1986 Vietnam War Memorial, San Antonio, Texas (twice life size, 5.5. tons)
1997 General Patton Memorial, Chiriaco Summit, California (twice life size, 3.5 tons)
1998 Women's Veteran's Memorial, Phoenix, Arizona, National Veterans Cemetery (quarter size)
2003 Dream Chaser, Skagway, Alaska, Skagway Cultural Center (twice life size, 6 tons)
2009 Marine Corps Chaplain Reading A Bible, Civic Centre next to City Hall, Scottsdale, AZ

Artwork published in:
Yearly Western Art Calendars by Shedd Brown, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1972, 1973, 1974
Western Christmas Cards for the Leaning Tree Card Company, Boulder, Colorado since 1973
Scottsdale, Arizona Parada Del Sol Poster 1978
Areas visited and painted in:
Russia, France, Holland, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, England, Scotland, Australia, Mexico, Baja California, Canada, The Yuka and Arctic Circle

Las Vegas, Nevada Resorts:
Painted desired images, printed and installed them in over 5000 rooms, taking over 20.000 images along with original works for special rooms.

Biography from the Archives of askART

I know some about Austin Deuel because I live here in San Antonio where he has a number of works on public display and I also was a Vietnam era US Marine, like him. He was a Marine combat artist; later he was commissioned to do the San Antonio's Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which was dedicated Nov. 9, 1986, two days before Veterans Day. The memorial, titled Hill 881 South, depicts a radio operator comforting a wounded comrade while anxiously searching the sky for a medivac helicopter.

The bronze sculpture stands about 10 feet tall at its highest point and is 23 feet long and 12 feet wide. With a weight of more than 10 tons, it is the largest sculpture of its kind in the country.

Deuel taught art at the junior college level, ran an art gallery, wrote a San Diego newspaper column on artifacts, traveled abroad, collects Old Master works and contemporary art. He is a sculptor, painter, and muralist; as well he has published the gamut of reproductions from lithogdraphs to greeting cards to calendars and plates, winning many awards in the process since the early 1960's.

Austin Deuel is a member of the American Indian and Cowboy Artists Association.
He is also an author, and his paintings hang in the US Marine Corps Museum in Washington, D.C. and in many other collections, such as the Maddox Library at Trinity University, where many bronze sculptures of his are on display as well.

Submitted by Greg Newman

Biography from the Archives of askART

An excerpt from http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/88spring/br-canon.htm

Cañon de los Artistas is a book by artist Austin Deuel, whose love for the natural and man made scene in remote Baja California comes through on every page. Indeed, implicit throughout the book is a plea for the preservation of that scene from the destruction of modern "development." The book is a collection of excellent reproductions of Deuel paintings, drawings, photographs of sculpture, and photographs of the region, all supplemented by a first person narrative of his experiences in the Sierra de San Francisco area villages and Native American cave paintings.

Deuel also describes the cave paintings of the area, especially those of Gardener, El Cacariso and Flechas caves. Although the title might lead you to think the cave paintings are the focus of the book, the fact is that most of the narrative and pictures relate to the contemporary people and landscape of that part of Baja California. Thus this is not a book for the scholar who wants to study the cave paintings of Baja; it is more of a description/travel account for the nature lover, the Baja buff, or one who loves beautiful books.

** If you discover credit omissions or have additional information to add, please let us know atregistrar@askart.com.

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