Coil Baskets : Native American Coil Basket, Panamint Tray #28b SOLD
$ 2,800.00
Coil Baskets
28b. NATIVE AMERICAN COIL BASKETS, comprising a Panamint tray with central star design. Condition Report: Excellent condition. Provenance: Collection of the late John and Lil Palmer, Purcellville, VA. Date: Circa 1920.
The following is a direct quote from Ramona Morris of Delaplane, VA who evaluated the Panamint Tray on May 29, 2002. " Beautifully woven in extremely fine, flat stitches. Coiled of willow with a design of a four pointed star repeating in alternating layers, interspersed with black diamonds in myrtinia (devil's claw). Fine condition. 1 3/8" x 4 1/2".
The Palmer's purchased this Panamint Tray in a garage sale in Hamilton, VA in the summer of 1998. From historical notes found with this piece, John Palmer, relates the following of historical interest. "The house where the sale was going on was a very old house in a poor state of repair and belonged to a black woman who had recently died. This woman had worked for many years as a housekeeper for Miss Charlotte NOLAND ( 1883-1969). Miss Charlotte as she was known, was the founder and president of Foxcroft School in Middleburg from 1914 until her death in 1969. She was also a founding director of the Middleburg Bank and served on its board until her death. She was a very famous and prominent person and several books have been written about her life. Foxcroft School is one of the most famous schools for young ladies in the world. John believes that on a summer trip to the South West, Miss Charlotte purchased a number of gift items to be given to selected employees at Foxxcroft. Her housekeeper would have been one of the first to receive a small token gift.
This basket is probably that token, after all, it would have sold for a nominal amount in those days. Times have changed."
Koso (Panamint)
The Koso lived in the area east of the crest of the Sierra, south of Owens Lake and across the Coso, Panamint and Death Valleys. The land was a barren and harsh habitat. The Koso population was the meagerest. Possibly 200 at peak numbers.
The Koso were also called Kosho, Panamint, Shikaviyam, Sikiam, Shikaich, Kaich, Kwü, Sosoni, and Shoshone.
Neighbors to the north were the Mono, south were the Chemehuevi and Vanyume, to the west were the Tübatulabal. (Source: MojaveDesert.net)