Western Artist, Lee Rommel “Silent Drum” Water color painting, Ca 1985, #961
$ 3,600.00
Western Artist
Lee Rommel, "Silent Drum"
961 Description: Lee Rommel “Silent Drum” Water color painting, Ca 1985
Condition: Excellent
Dimensions: 22” x 30”
Provenance: Savage Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Background Information on Artist Lee Rommel:
Taken from her web site: Lee Rommel has lived and taught art in Santa Fe since 1973. She conducts weekly classes and summer plein air workshops in Santa Fe, as well as workshops for art groups in other parts of the country. Lee instructs oil painting, watercolor, pastel and acrylic as well as beginner/intermediate sculpting in clay.
Before residing in Santa Fe, Lee lived in Puerto Rico, for four years. Her art career began in New York City, where she lived for 9 years. She was born and educated in Maine. Lee started her teaching career in Puerto Rico. She is a self-taught artist who feels teaching has become an education in itself for her. She has taken informal instruction from other well-known artists to hone her craft of painting, sculpting and pastel painting. Some of the artists she has studied with are, Charles Reid, Wilson Hurley, George Lundeen, George Carlson, and Glenna Goodacre.
She has exhibited and won awards in many national juries and invitational shows throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Her work has appeared in Southwest Art, The Santa Fean, Southern Living, Focus and numerous other publications and can be found in numerous private and corporate collections throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Ongoing studying is very important for the serious artist." Every painting is a learning experience and a problem to be solved."
Rommel travels and paints on locations rendering small oil canvases and fills watercolor journals on each trip. She uses her small paintings as studies for larger studio work.
Her painting trips have taken her to Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Mexico and many trips to France and Italy, as well as locations close to New Mexico, and she journeys back to her birth state of Maine as well.
Lee continues her passion for painting by offering private classes in her studio, painting classes at Valdes Art School (Santa Fe), and plein air classes from her studio as well. For information on these classes, see "workshops" on main menu.
Lee is currently working on producing a small whimsical story book about “sheep”, including 15 watercolors inspired by her trip to New Zealand. She is working on a small photo book of her paintings as well.